Sunday 12 November 2017

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Universal Forex Trading Carmen Katsaitis FOREX Con Artists - The Face of Pure Unadulterated EVIL Fort Lauderdale, Florida. If your business is willing to make a commitment to customer satisfaction Click here now. If you have been approached by either Carmen Katsaitis or Evan Taubman regarding financial or any other business matters, I suggest you tread carefully, or better yet look elsewhere I have lost US 19,000 through their deception and careless mistakes, and I don t want other people to fall into the same trap. I was approached by Evan Taubman in the fall of 2007 I had no idea who he was when he called me, nor where he got my number from At the time he sai d he had wanted to help me earlier but didn t have the right vehicle, and now he did He offered to trade Forex on my behalf via his team of expert traders at note I now own this domain name as they ve abandoned it. Frankly, I was intrigued by the offer because 6 months earlier I had known someone who was rather wealthy, and he had 3 people trading Forex on his behalf they split the profits half-half continued below. Evan told me my cost would be 70 per in and out trade buy and sell I thought that was fair, providing they actually would be making me money He then proceeded to put me in touch with his personal assistant, Carmen Katsaitis It turns out that Carmen was not his assistant, but as I later found out she was actually the owner of and Evan worked for her. In any case, Evan came across as a rather big shot, always throwing multi-million dollar figures around to try and impress me He advised that they only trade Forex conservatively, with stop losses, etc With Carmen s sweet-talking p ersistence I decided I would give them a shot, and so over the course of the next month, I wired a total of US 19,000 to 2 separate Forex brokerage accounts, placing them as power of attorney. In the beginning, I played it conservative by giving them just 5,000 and seeing trades showing up in my account along with strong profits, I felt them to be sincere So then shortly thereafter they advised they could do a better job if they had more to work with, and so I wired them another 7,000 Unfortunately, not long after, and through a freak occurrence, my entire account got wiped out, practically overnight Carmen blamed it on the Forex company not shutting down my account as she had requested However, only recently Nov 2008 after speaking with the CFO of that brokerage firm did I learn there was absolutely nothing on file about a request that my account be closed That CFO is rather surprised to learn of my events because he says they had absolutely nothing to do with it. So, going back, Carmen and Evan insisted it was not their fault that my account got wiped out as well as it turned out they had lost 500,000 in other people s accounts they were managing at the time I believed them since they appeared to be genuine and sincere Before this turn unfortunate turn of events, I had already wired them an additional 7,000 since they requested more funding, but luckily they had not gotten around to adding it to my trading account When I asked Carmen if she could rebuild the lost 12,000 from the 7,000 she said YES Despite my asking she trade conservatively to rebuild my losses, she still insisted on high-risk trades I consider myself to be a risk taker, however I take calculated risks and I don t like things being rushed. One of several examples of the carelessness I saw came out when just before leaving for Christmas vacation, Carmen put in a 2-lot trade, and then took off for Costa Rica I watched day by day as my account value plummeted and despite all my efforts I could not reach anyone at her office By strange coincidence, the brokerage firm s website was under construction so I couldn t even download their platform or access my trading account to put a manual stop in place Finally, in desperation I was able to get a hold of Evan who had also gone to Costa Rica He said he would speak with Carmen when he saw her in an hour and they would call me back I waited and waited and she didn t call back. My account had now gone below 0 and there was nothing I could do about it Carmen s extreme level of carelessness and her lackadaisical attitude shocked me She insisted she had people watching her accounts in her absence, but I highly doubt that or they would have put a stop to the shenanigans Now that she had personally wiped out US 19,000 of my money, I quickly learned that neither she or Evan had any more use for me I found this rather appalling Not only that, but when I went through my account statements, I discovered that I was actually being charged an average of 1 00 per in out trade, not the 70 I had agreed to. When I submitted my findings to Evan and Carmen, complete with full transactional data the brokerage firm had emailed me, all Carmen said was she d look into it and contact someone at the brokerage firm for an explanation Well, 3 months turned into 10 months and I got no call-backs and still she never could explain the discrepancy All I wanted was some of my money back that I had clearly overpaid, and she refused to consider it When I pressed further saying this was unacceptable, she said she would no longer accept my calls and I am never to call her again And, even if someone from the brokerage firm were to call her regarding my case, she would not speak to them Why She insists I have wasted too much of her time already Excuse me, but after wiping out US 19,000 due to sheer carelessness, I felt I had every right to understand what took place And, as it was we had barely spoken for a couple of hours in all of 2008 as she was away in Greec e for 6 months Carmen s sudden callous attitude was the proverbial straw that broke the camel s back, and is what led me to warn others so they may not suffer a similar fate--thus this website. In summary, my dealings with both Carmen Katsaitis or Evan Taubman started off rather pleasant, however I cannot call either one of them trustworthy or having integrity With both of them, we had agreed on a 70 per in out trade, but this ended up being inflated nearly 50 to over 100 Also, I had been told stop-losses were being used, but in actual fact they never were For all intents and purposes, it was a cash grab, plain and simple They got paid 100 commission on average per in out trade regardless if they made me money or lost money There really was no performance incentive to do well, and therein lies the crux called GREED. Unfortunately, Universal Forex Trading has been shut down, no doubt after Carmen Evan realized they had ZERO Forex trading acumen and should never have been in the business o f investing to begin with These people are SCAM artists first and foremost. At last check Carmen also dabbles in real estate and mortgages through the following firm. Innovative Mortgage Services Carmen Katsaitis, Loan Associate Trinity, FL 34655 Phone 954 696-8694.Last I heard, Carmen may also be working in Greece, no doubt to escape the wrath of angry US investors. As for Evan Taubman, I have no idea of his present whereabouts, but no doubt he is still trying to rope in more people to his financial scams. This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 02 11 2017 11 41 AM and is a permanent record located here The posting time indicated is Arizona local time Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report READ Foreign websites steal our content. Search for additional reports. If you would like to see more R ip-off Reports on this company individual, search here. In order to assure the best results in your search. Keep the name short simple, and try different variations of the name. Do not include S , Inc , Corp , or LLC at the end of the Company name. Use only the first main part of a name to get best results. Only search one name at a time if Company has many AKA s. Report Rebuttal. Respond to this report. Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company. Are you also a victim of the same company or individual Want Justice File a Rip-off Report, help other consumers to be educated and don t let them get away with it. Repair Your Reputation. Got Reports filed against you Resolve the issues and rebuild trust through our Corporate Advocacy Program. Corporate Advocacy Program The best way to manage and repair your business reputation Hiding negative complaints is only a Band-Aid Consumers want to see how businesses take care of business All businesses will get complaints How those businesses take care of those complaints is what separates good businesses from bad businesses. Remove Reports No Better yet Arbitrate to set the record straight. AUTHOR Pradeep - Canada. SUBMITTED Tuesday, September 18, 2017.POSTED Tuesday, September 18, 2017.Thanks to a tip from a lady who had been abused repeatedly by Even Taubman, I now have a LOT more info on this con artist. He has been in and out of prison for 20 years on numerous charges including surprise surprise, Grand Theft What a SCUM BAG. You can see a LOT more details on Evan Taubman at From list SessionID 14651867.or EVAN TAUBMAN. Stated Residence Upon Release 20335 W COUNTRY CLUB DR AVENTURA, FL 33380 33380.Aliases EVAN TAUBMAN, EVAN N TAUBMAN, EVAN NEIL TAUBMAN. Scars, Marks, and Tattoos Type Location Description TATTOO BACK INSIDE THE MOUTH SPACE TATTOO BACK SUN TATTOO BACK SUN FACE ALIEN FACE W LADY TATTOO LEFT ARM FACE FLAME AUSTIN FISH 2-1-94 TATTOO LEFT ARM ALIEN TATTOO LEFT CHEST ALIEN FACE TATTOO LEFT LEG DOG TATTOO RIGHT ARM ROADRUNNER COYOTE TATTOO RIGHT LEG FLOWER TATTOO RIGHT LEG TRIBOL. Current Prison Sentence History Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No Prison Sentence Length 08 24 2006 DRIV W LIC S R C D FELONY 11 19 2008 BROWARD 0614921 1Y 9M 2D 10 02 2006 DRIV W LIC S R C D FELONY 11 19 2008 BROWARD 0617471 1Y 9M 2D 02 20 2008 DRIV W LIC S R C D FELONY 11 19 2008 BROWARD 0803563 1Y 9M 2D 06 09 2008 GRAND THEFT,300 L 5,000 11 19 2008 BROWARD 0818717 1Y 9M 2D. Note The offense descriptions are truncated and do not necessarily reflect the crime of conviction Please refer to the court documents or the Florida Statutes for further information or definition. Incarceration History Date In-Custody Date Out-of-Custody 03 11 1999 04 06 2000 04 12 2001 10 16 2005 11 25 2008 04 22 2010.Prior Prison History Note Data reflected covers periods of incarceration with the Florida Corrections si nce January of 1983 Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No Prison Sentence Length 11 20 1998 COCAINE - POSSESSION 02 24 1999 BROWARD 9823569 1Y 5M 0D 11 20 1998 02 24 1999 BROWARD 9823569 1Y 5M 0D 11 20 1998 AGGRAVATED FLEEING LEO 02 24 1999 BROWARD 9823569 1Y 5M 0D 11 20 1998 DRIV W LIC S R C D FELONY 02 24 1999 BROWARD 9823569 1Y 5M 0D 10 24 1998 SHOOT THROW MISSILE-BLDG VEH 02 24 1999 BROWARD 9824610 1Y 6M 0D 06 21 2000 FORGERY UTTERING 02 14 2001 BROWARD 0011004 2Y 6M 0D 06 21 2000 GRAND THEFT 5KL 10K 02 14 2001 BROWARD 0011004 2Y 6M 0D 06 21 2000 OBSTRUCT CRIME INVESTIGATION 02 14 2001 BROWARD 0011004 2Y 6M 0D 08 18 2000 DRIV W LIC S R C D FELONY 02 14 2001 BROWARD 0014564 2Y 6M 0D 10 15 2000 04 09 2001 BROWARD 0018132 5Y 0M 0D 08 26 2000 DRIV W LIC S R C D FELONY 02 14 2001 BROWARD 0100619 2Y 6M 0D. Respond to this report. Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider inf ormation on this company.4 Proven Ways How To Make Money From Home. While money can t buy happiness, there s a saying that it s more comfortable to cry in a Ferarri than in a Fiat Uno In this article, I m going to go through 4 ways that I have personally used to make money from home They all work, but the key thing is the first dollar you earn then when you get to a dollar ever day and then well you get the idea This is like gold, because you prove it to yourself. There are heaps of ways to make money from home In this article I cover the following ways each proven and each with tips for how you can do the same. Affiliate Marketing. Online Business. Forex Trading. Online Poker. Why make money from home. More Money Yes, having enough money can make a world of difference to your freedom, the amount of time you have available to spend with the people you care about and to do the things that you love doing Having a second income from home can make a huge difference, and anything you can do at home to make money is great because you can more easily easily fit it in around your other commitments. More Options The cool thing is that once you know how to make money for yourself, you can be much less concerned about what the economy is doing at a particular point in time or how well your job is going, what is happening with the unemployment rate or inflation because you start to stand more surely on your own 2 feet. More Skills Even if you have a job, learning about making money from home is a skill that is highly transferable More and more people are learning how to make money from home, which is something that has become much easier now through the advance of technology and the internet, even though fewer people percentage wise are actually doing it. More Impact In the online business section below, you will see that as an individual in the 21st century, you have the power of reaching literally millions of people all around the world through your computer and internet connection You don t need staff, fancy equipment or a physical building to sell thousands of dollars worth of products or services to people. How To Make Money From Home Affiliate marketing. What Is Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is the selling of other people s products or services for a commission It s just like being a rep for a company and being out on the road all day to get leads, except affiliate marketing is all online which is why it s such a good way how to make money from home. You can buy pretty much anything you want online and pretty much all of these things offer affiliate programs This means you can sign up as an affiliate, get a unique tracking link and start promoting that link to as many people as possible When you make a sale through your link, you re automatically credited for that sale. Is it safe and do you get paid Many people who have never heard of making money on the internet think that affiliate marketing is a scam and you ll never get paid That s not true at all Affi liate marketing accurately tracks your visitors and sales, and I ve never had problems with an affiliate program not paying me the commissions I m due I get commission checques sent to my mailbox ever 2 weeks. The main concept behind successful affiliate marketing is to find a hungry niche, a popular product with a good affiliate program to sell to that niche, and then promoting your affiliate link to as many people as possible. If you re creative there are endless ways to promote your affiliate links online You can create websites around your affiliate product and direct visitors from search engines or paid adverts to that website You can add your affiliate link in your email You can put your affiliate link in your signature and post on forums, message boards and websites You can create videos on Youtube and add your affiliate link at the end of the video. Pros Of Affiliate Marketing.1- Affiliate marketing allows you to work without a boss or employees If you do need a helping hand, it s very easy to outsource various tasks to one of the thousands of freelancers looking for odd jobs online.2- Affiliate marketing allows you to work from anywhere with a computer and internet access This means you can work at any hour you choose, whether it be midday or midnight, a normal Monday or on Christmas day.3- With affiliate marketing you don t have to create products, deal with customer service or do any shipping or packaging All you do is match the product you re promoting with someone who needs that product, and you get your commission.4- Affiliate marketing is scalable and can be automated It s scalable because there is no limit to your earnings The more sites you create and the more people you promote to, the more money you will make It can be automated because once you have a profitable site set up that s getting free constant traffic from search engines, the commission you make from sales literally happens automatically You can then use this money to build more sites or ex pand, which in turn increases your income, which you can then use to expand further.5- You don t need any qualifications for affiliate marketing and it s something that you can learn very easily. Cons Of Affiliate Marketing. There are only two downsides to affiliate marketing that you should know about.1- When someone refunds a purchase, you lose your commission Usually refund rates are pretty low and negligible but if you promote a low-quality product you could experience much more refunds and thus loss of commissions.2- The competition is fierce There is of course always room for hard-working and persistent people to make money with affiliate marketing but you definitely can t expect to work for a few hours and start making money. Want To Start making Money From Home With Affiliate Marketing. Getting started with affiliate marketing is rather easy Think of a niche where people would be likely to spend money on a solution e g how to lose weight, how to save a relationship, etc and type yo ur niche affiliate program into Google search e g how to lose weight affiliate program. You ll be given an endless list of products related to your niche with affiliate programs, and you can simply go and sign up to get your unique affiliate link to promote that product and start making sales. From there it s just a matter of getting as many targeted people to click on your affiliate link as possible You do this trough email, websites, social media, videos, articles and whatever other creative ways you can come up with to connect your prospects with the product you re promoting as an affiliate. If you want to get started with affiliate marketing as a way how to make money from home, read this article I wrote called affiliate marketing for beginners and check out this course that includes everything you need to know about getting started with affiliate marketing. How To Make Money From Home Online Business. What Is An Online Business. While the term online business may sound very complex, it is in fact rather simple An online business is simply a method of making money online and is usually done through one or multiple websites and blogs. I consider this blog UpgradeReality my own online business It makes me over 1000 per month through sales of various products and services that I m either an affiliate for or that I ve personally created I also make money with my online business through selling advertising space on various pages throughout my blog. For specific steps on how to start your own online business you should refer to my free tutorial here. Pros Of An Online Business. There are many reasons why an online business is the ideal way to make money from home Allow me to list them below.1- An online business allows you to work without a boss or employees If you do need a helping hand, it s very easy to outsource various tasks to one of the thousands of freelancers looking for odd jobs online.2- An online business allows you to work from anywhere with a computer and internet access This means you can work at any hour you choose, whether it be midday or midnight, a normal Monday or on Christmas day.3- An online business can be automated and leveraged This means that once you set up your online business and your sales funnels, the money will come in with virtually no hard work And once you re at this level, you can very easily increase your income just by getting more leads into your sales funnel.4- On online business is very easy to combine with your passions and interests This means your business will be based around the things that you love doing, which benefits you not only by keeping you motivated and having your energy shine through in your work, it also allows you to really enjoy working.5- An online business costs very little to set up and maintain You can literally get started with less than 100 and even when you get bigger, your expenses are not likely to be more than a few hundred dollars per month. Cons Of An Online Business. The cons of an online business are very similar to the cons of a brick and mortar business As with any business, there is some risk involved that you should be aware of, but the cons of an online business are very small. An online business is directly related to the amount of work you put in If you don t put in enough time or effort, your business will likely not make you money. Depending on your online business model, you may be very dependent on certain factors and if those factors disappear your whole business could shut down For example if your business relies on Google rankings for your leads, your business could be severely crippled should those rankings disappear. Some people need to mentally and physically to make money from home because there are distractions which might make it hard to focus. How To Start Your Own Online Business. For specific steps on how to start your own online business you should refer to my free tutorial here. The most important aspects of your own online business are. You need to target a niche where the people want or need to buy items or services If you choose a niche where people only like window-shopping or want freebies, your business is doomed to fail from the start. An example of a niche where people spend would be hobby niches Anyone with a hobby like surfing, woodworking or building car models is constantly going to spend money on that hobby and thus you ll be able to make money recommending products related to the hobby or niche your business is about. An example of a niche where people are likely to only want freebies or look around is something like tattoos I know this because I personally built many sites around tattoos and tattoo designs that were getting thousands of visitors per day but I just couldn t get them to buy I did sell the odd tattoo design membership, but the conversion rates were terrible. Any niche where people prefer to look around or get freebies is going to doom your business to failure before you even start, so be very sure to do y our research before you begin.2- Enough Knowledge Or Ideas To Create Content. It s crucial to your online business success that you produce content that will teach or entertain people This means that you need to know enough about your niche to create dozens if not hundreds of articles over the space of a few years. You need to come across as an expert and authority in your niche This will greatly help you to earn the trust of your visitors and readers and get them to convert into subscribers or buyers of your recommendations.3- Knowing How You re Going To Make Money. Before you start building your online business, you need to know how you re going to make money with it Step 1 of choosing the correct niche plays a big role in how you re going to make money from your online business. You also need to have an idea of the kinds of products available in your niche Are you going to be an affiliate for any of these products Or are you going to create your own products and sell them to your visito rs. An online business does not necessarily need to be a blog like is You could create a website that is an e-store, selling many different things online You could also build a site that functions as a local directory for small businesses in your area doctors, lawyers, plumbers etc , get top rankings for the site and ask a monthly listing fee to all business on that site. Do You Want To Make Money From Home With Online Business. There are literally dozens of different models you could follow for your online business I have good success with the model I m following with this blog Upgrade Reality, and if you want to learn how my model works, read this free turorial. How To Make Money From Home Forex Trading. What Is Forex Trading. Forex is short for foreign exchange Thus, forex trading is the buying and selling of different currencies to take advantage of the fluctuations in exchange rates between those different currencies. There are dozens of currencies from countries all over the world like the U S dollar, the Euro, the Japanese Yen, the Chinese Yuan etc Each of these currencies has a conversion value in another currency, for example 1 Euro is worth 1 30 U S Dollars. However, this conversion value fluctuates all the time depending on various factors ranging from economic output of the country to political actions to global events like natural disasters, wars or disease. As a forex trader you research and analyze various currencies to determine a profitable price level to buy and sell, aiming to take advantage of these conversion value fluctuations Going back to the example of 1 Euro being equal to 1 30 U S Dollars, if you were to buy Euro s at this price and the conversion value goes up to 1 Euro being equal to 1 40 U S Dollars, then you make money. Okay, so now you may be wondering how on earth you could analyze currencies and determine profitable price levels to buy and sell Especially if you have no knowledge, qualifications or experience with economics or forex. Don t wor ry You don t need to have any knowledge, qualifications or experience with economics or forex to become a profitable forex trader All you need is an open mind and the desire to learn. Thousands of forex traders all around the world myself included trade the forex markets based on a principle called Technical Analysis Technical analysis is the term given to the study of the price action of markets, in this case the forex markets. I mentioned the constant fluctuations of currencies earlier These fluctuations get recorded by the split second, every single day of the year As a forex trader you have access to all the data of the fluctuations of currencies, going back as far as 30 years ago. Through your forex trading software, you re able to pull this data up into various types of charts of all time-frames For example, you re able to take the data and put it into a chart that s updated by the minute, or a chart that s updated by the hour, day, week or even month. Technical analysis is based on rules, indicators and patterns that have high probability outcomes, meaning that when a certain setup appears on your chart, it s very likely 70 of the time that the value of a currency will move in a certain direction up or down. In other words, you don t need to be able to predict the future to make money from home trading forex, all you need to do is be able to recognize high-probability patterns and setups and buy or sell based on that If on top of that you only risk 5 of your trading account on a single trade, there s no doubt that you ll be able to make great money from home as a forex trader. If you re interested in forex trading after what you ve read so far, you can read more in these tutorials I ve written. Pros Of Forex Trading. I personally love forex trading as a way how to make money from home and here are the reasons why.1- Just like with an online business, forex trading allows you to work without a boss or employees You make all your own decisions and you do all your own a nalysis.2- Forex trading allows you to work from anywhere with a computer and internet access This means you can work at any hour you choose, whether it be midday or midnight, a normal Monday or on Christmas day The forex markets are only open 5 days per week which allows you to have a normal weekend without stress or needing to work.3- Forex trading is based on a system It s about patterns, rules and setups This means that there is no luck involved and that you can follow a system that will get you results time after time No guessing and no trial-and-error.4- With forex trading you have unlimited earning potential Unlike a job that pays a fixed monthly salary, when you make money from home as a forex trader you are in control of your own paycheck, depending on how well you trade and how much time you put in This allows the potential of building your trading account up to tens of thousands of dollars within a matter of months.5- It s challenging and fun Personally I love the challenge of trying to profit from the forex markets and using my brain to earn my money. Cons Of Forex Trading. There are unfortunately a few downsides if you want to make money from home trading forex.1- Your money is always at risk You will have losing trades and sometimes you ll have periods where you only lose money This is not a problem if you have strict rules about how much money you risk per trade, but the emotional aspect of losing money is not something that everyone can handle.2- As I said above, losing money is not a problem if you have strict rules of how much you risk per trade I suggest no more than 5 of your account per trade However, this means that you need to be very disciplined to stick to those risk rules at all times, otherwise you ll end up losing a lot of money and you won t be a profitable forex trader over the long run. If you feel you can handle losing money as part of being a profitable forex trader and if you feel you re disciplined enough to stick to your own rules at all times, then forex trading can be a fantastic way for you how to make money from home. Do You Want To Make Money From Home Trading Forex. Getting started with forex trading is very easy. First you need to learn technical analysis and I highly recommend these two books. Then you need to open a trading account I personally use eToro and they re great because you can first open a practice account with a virtual 50,000 so you can learn to trade without risking your own money Open your practice account here. And the you can start trading and making money from home as a forex trader. I really recommend you read these forex trading tutorials I ve written. How To Make Money From Home Online Poker. What Is Online Poker. Poker is an age-old card game that people have been betting money with for centuries Contrary to what most people think, poker is a game of skill and not luck. In the game of poker you can have a significant edge over your opponent through mathematics It s a thinking game with statist ics and odds, and this can be verified by going to a book store and picking up one of the dozens of books about the theory behind poker. Poker used to be played only in bars and casino s like silver sands casino and silversands casino but through technology and the internet it s possible to play poker online Online poker has literally exploded in the last decade, with millions of people from all around the world busy playing every minute of every day. Before I continue, I can tell about 2 people I personally know who turned less than 100 into hundreds of thousands of dollars playing online poker, in a matter of a few years One of these guys is among my best friends He was studying actuarial science at university and started playing online poker with a free 50 that a poker site offered as incentive to start playing He got really into the game, read dozens of books about mathematics and the theory of poker, and played the game for hours every day Within 2 years he had turned that free 50 i nto hundreds of thousands of dollars and now, many years later he s still traveling the world from the money he made through online poker. Another such example is Henri Juntilla He also started playing online poker at a young age with a minimal amount less than 50 and he turned it into a small fortune. I must say that examples like these are exceptions, rather than the norm and both these guys have stopped playing poker and focus on online business However, it s very possible to make a few thousand dollars a month from online poker, which gives you the time and freedom to focus your energy on doing things you love or spending time with people you care about. Pros Of Online Poker. There are many reasons why online poker is a great way how to make money from home Let me list them.1- Just like with an online business and forex trading, online poker allows you to work without a boss or employees You make all your own decisions and your are a one-man or woman entitity.2- Online poker allows you to work from anywhere with a computer and internet access This means you can work at any hour you choose, whether it be midday or midnight, a normal Monday or on Christmas day At any time there are hundreds of thousands of poker players online that you can play against.3- There is no limit to your earnings If you play better or put in more hours, you ll probably make more money.4- Your earnings increase exponentially As your poker account bankroll grows, so do your monthly profits The bigger your bankroll, the higher the stakes you can play at and the more you can win.5- Poker is a game of strategy and skill Luck does not play a deciding factor in whether you re a profitable poker player over the long run. Cons Of Online Poker. There are also downsides to online poker as a way to make money from home.1- Just like with forex trading, online poker requires strict discipline and money management in order to be profitable over the long run You need to set limits for yourself and stick to th ose limits religiously You need to play well within your bankroll and risk only a small percentage of that bankroll per session or per day that you play If you don t have this discipline, you re going to end up losing money.2- Losing money goes hand-in-hand with online poker It s inevitable that you will lose money while playing, and this can have a big effect on you mentally and emotionally Losing money can make you so angry that you forget about your rules and start playing bigger to get back what you lost, and then you lose much more this is called tilting If you re not capable of dealing with the swings of winning and losing money regularly, online poker is not for you.3- If you have an addictive personality or you think that you can become addicted to something easily, online poker is not for you There are many sad stories about people becoming addicted to poker and gambling and they end up losing everything they have. However, if you re the kind of person who can detach yourself f rom your emotions and if you re disciplined, then online poker may be a fantastic way how to make money from home. Want To Start Making Money From Home With Online Poker. I strongly suggest you learn the theory behind poker first, and this is a great book. Click Here To Order on Amazon. and then it s just a matter of signing up with an online poker site and starting to play I ve managed to set up a 100 bonus up to 500 on your first deposit with Partypoker I d suggest depositing no more than 50 and get 50 bonus so that you have minimal risk and potentially tens of thousands of dollars to gain Click the link below to take advantage of the 100 welcome bonus. To Sum Up The 4 Ways How To Make Money From Home. These are 4 proven ways that you can follow to make money from home or anywhere else in the world for that matter There are some risks involved, but there are also enormous benefits and rewards to be reaped. If you re looking to supplement your income or even replace your income by working fr om home in your spare time, I highly recommend the 4 ways how to make money from home that I listed in this article. Let me sum them up again.1- Affiliate Marketing. Definition Selling people s products or services and receiving commission for every sale. Definition An online presence site or blog that allows you to sell products or services. Definition Buying or selling different currencies to profit from conversion value fluctuations. Definition Playing the game of poker online based on mathematical and statistical rules to profit long-term. So now you know how to make money from home and that it is really possible You can do it, just make a start You might also like to check out our Earn Money Online Article Series. 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